Digital Mahadev

What is Digital Marketing and Its Importance?

what is digital marketing

It’s time to grow with Digital Marketing. It is the goal of any businessman to reach the target audience to increase their business. For this, they go to different platforms to extend their potential clients. As an example, TV, newspapers, radio, pamphlet, hoarding boards, etc. But these have become old and traditional ways of promoting your products and services in today’s constantly changing world.

Today’s time peoples are using digital platforms like smartphones, laptops in huge quantity through the internet. Today’s youth is shopping, ordering food, taking services, and everything going online. That’s why any businessman needs to use digital marketing today.


What is Digital Marketing?

My point of view, whenever a person or businessman promotes their products, services, a brand using electronic devices through the internet, we do call it digital marketing. 

Digital means Internet-powered devices such as smartphones, laptops, desktops, smart TVs, etc. Marketing means increasing awareness and solving client’s problems through your products, services and feed value to their minds for your brand.

In digital marketing, you can reach your target audience, communicate to them and show your advertisement to that audience showing interest in your products and services.

With digital marketing, You can monitor all the following things:

  • Which type of content is consuming?
  • Which kind of audience is consuming your content?
  • From which location is your audience performing better?
  • How long has your content read?
  • Performance of your sales conversion
  • Which types of content work best?

And so on.

What Are Digital Marketing Assets & Tools?

If you have a business that you want to take online or if you are going to open an online business, then you need to know the assets of digital marketing. You need to know which tools will be performing well for you. I am giving you a summary of some assets that will help in your digital marketing work.

  • Online display ads & distributed video ads
  • Website & Landing page
  • Image, infographics, reach the content of your products & services.
  • Blogs, testimonials, E-books, product description
  • Social media, Search engine.
  • Branded logo, color psychology, etc.

I have shared with you only a few assets of digital marketing. Some new tools and platforms are invented in the market regularly. You have to use every tool for your business so that you will know which platform works better.

Reason Why Is Digital Marketing Important?

Internet marketing is increasing day by day. For the first time in 2019, digital marketing advertises investment more than traditional marketing. It happened because today’s audience is coming online and consuming content through the internet on social media, search engines.

Today’s time is AI and machine learning to understanding as a human being along with this. New marketing technologies are being created, which is making it easier for marketers. So, that you can understand your customers at just the actionable movement using digital devices. Whereas traditional marketing total opposite of digital marketing.

  • The entire world population is around 7.7 billion, and 4.4 billion people use the internet.
  • About 30% of the people interact directly with the brand via social media versus going to a store.

In this competition, you have to make every digital present, but it does not mean that you ignore offline channels. You always have to use Omnichannel, which means it is necessary to pay regular attention to your customers on both online and offline channels.

What is a Digital Marketing Platform?

In today’s time, any businessman needs some medium to do business online so that his work can be much easier. And his business grows at an excellent level. We talk about an advertisement, whether it is offline media or online media. Both of important for our business growth. 

Let’s talk about digital marketing. If you want to bring traffic to your website, what will you do? For this, you will choose one of your platforms according to your strategy. It can be a search engine, social media, email marketing, etc. Same thing you do for video marketing, content marketing, PPC advertisements.

Here I am sharing some digital marketing platforms, which are as follows:

7 Types of Digital Marketing Platforms With Example?

Here are some mediums of Internet Marketing where you can get help to reach your prospective customers or clients.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Our website goal is to whenever someone searches on the search engine related to our business. Then our website appears on the top. Generate maximum traffic, lead, increase sales, and grows our business. 

So for this, we need to rank our website on the search engine. But each search engine has some policies for rank our websites. Now, we have to optimize our website by following the ranking guidelines of search engines. We do call it to search engine optimization (SEO).

search engine optimization
search engine optimization

Now we need to understand actually, How To Do Search Engine Optimization For Our Website.

Most of we do Search Engine Optimization in two ways:

  1. Onpage SEO
  2. Offpage SEO.

Let me tell you some of the phases of SEO that will help in optimizing your website.

  • Research your keywords,
  • Analyze your competitor (keywords, content strategy),
  • Make sure your website is secure,
  • Connect your website with GSC and GA,
  • Meta Title, Meta description, Meta tag, URL structure,
  • Schema, Reach snippet,
  • High loading speed, Mobile friendly website, 
  • Quality backlinks etc.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Now comes that our website is optimized, but it is a time-taking process. So in this situation, if you want to rank your website on the search engine instant. Then for this, you need to buy traffic. According to the keywords of your business from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

In this, whenever a user searches related keywords from your business, your website will appear on the top of the search results page through Ads. And when someone clicks the link to your website, then you have to pay for each click. It’s called Pay Per Click (PPC).

Your PPC ads show as:

  • Search Ads
search engine marketing
search engine marketing
  • Shopping Ads
shopping ads
shopping ads
  • Link Ads
link ads
Link ads
  • Display Ads
display ads
Display ads
  • Video Ads.
video ads
Video Ads

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Today’s Audiences are using social media at a very high level, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, and short video platforms. Why any brand needs to be active on all these social media channels, these are some stats:

  • Each user has more than 8 social media accounts.
  • Daily 500000, people create their accounts only on Facebook all over the world.
  • 78% of customers contact the brand to solve their problem via Twitter directly.
  • There are approximately 4.54 billion internet users, out of which 3.72 billion use social media.

Note: All states follow from Brandwatch Social Media Statistics and Facts

Social media allows a marketer to reach out to his potential customers with products and services. Any businessman can create a campaign, target and analyze his audience through social media. So these advertisements appear on targeted user’s feeds.

Social media is also a good platform for organic growth from where you can promote your product and service and increase followers organically.

Here is an example of problem-solving on Twitter:

social media marketing

Vaibhav Not happy with Zomato’s service and chat support. He shared his problem on Direct Zomato’s Twitter handle, on which the company has responded to Vaibhav very professionally.

Email Marketing

Email marketing gives you a medium to maintain your relationship with your audience directly. You can feed your brand value in your customer’s mind without spending a rupee. Your product will continue to deliver services from time to time in your audience’s inbox.

email marketing
Email Marketing

Here are some benefits of Email Marketing:

  • You can send a mail copy to your customers as per their buying behavior.
  • You can track your mail that how many peoples open or not.
  • Email marketing provides a facility to automate your mail as per your funnels.
  • It is very cost-effective because not taking repeated costs.
  • It brings high buying decision from your customers.

Content Marketing

Your business cannot grow until you do not solve the problem of your audience. Because your overall growth depends on your brand value. Therefore, content marketing is doing to increase your brand value, where you reach in front of your audience through different mediums and try to solve their problem with your products and services. 

content marketing
Content Marketing

You can resort to many types of assets to do content marketing as Video, Audio, Infographics, Animation, etc.

There are some strategic stages to do content marketing which are as follows:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Capture
  • Nurture
  • Convert

For Example, Suppose you have opened a new coaching institute (you can relate your business), but no one knows your institute for which subject you are teaching, and where is your institute locate. 

So first, you need to aware of your institute to prospect audiences. After, they are aware of your institution showing interest and trying to contact you.

But first time only some people will join your classes. And some people interested but confused to decide to join your class. Now you need to nurture your audience and clear the confusion through emails, Videos, Blog Posts, etc.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a very effective way to promote your products and service on digital channels to reach your targeted audiences. The brand can partner with celebrities, social media influencers, blog websites, and anyone knowledgeable in this field.

influencer marketing
influencer marketing

Brands share their branded content with the influencer’s followers, which increases product trust and a strong chance of sales. Many business influencers are growing their business through influencer marketing because this medium is very cost-effective and trustworthy.

Through this, influencers become revenue earners, and they can become unlimited revenue generators by becoming digital influencers. It can perform through different digital platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and sort video platforms.

Affiliate Marketing

Whenever a brand contacts any website owner, YouTube, and Social Media Influencer and says that you promote our product or services in your audience base. In return for this, we will pay you some percentage commission. 

affiliate marketing
affiliate marketing

Through this, you can get a commission on every sale. The company provides you a dashboard from where you can create your affiliate link, track your sales performance, and get paid from the brand. It is called Affiliate Marketing.

Answered Some Question Related To Digital Marketing

How can I start digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a much broad field that you cannot do everything together. For this, you start a blog, start writing about any subject you have the knowledge and do its search engine optimization, social media marketing, what will happen when you go for job interviews? Your live performance will be proof of what you have learned from the blog. 

What is the salary in digital marketing?

In digital marketing, the salary of a fresher is on average 15 – 20 thousand a month. It keeps increasing based on your experience you can get a salary above 1 lakh in a month. It depends on your various factor like your experience, company, city of work. 

Is Digital Marketing a good career option?

In today’s time, digital marketing is a very profitable career option, it is a field that is growing day by day. Brands are continuously investing in digital marketing to promote their business. Due to this, Job Opportunities are also increasing.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

Through digital marketing, you can take your business online and sell your products and services anywhere in the world. It helps you reach targeted quality customers cheaply for your business.

Who uses digital marketing?

Businesses are using digital marketing to create awareness about their brand, which means increase their brand’s trust in the market, and they are gaining quality leads, product sales, etc.

Why is digital marketing so popular?

Digital marketing is becoming popular and growing because businessmen are identifying that this is the right place where our businesses can grow.

What is the Digital Marketing Trends in 2021?

Influencer content is becoming more popular in 2021, including your live streaming, visual content, informational and entertainment videos. With this, voice search and podcasts have also been very popular in Digital Marketing.

Is Digital Marketing Easy?

There is good news for you, Digital marketing is very easy to start, even if you do not have the technical knowledge, you can. Most online marketing platforms very easy to sign up and use.

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